From this page, you can access a number of models that allow you to make your own estimates of infrastructure spending needs under a variety of different assumptions about key economic parameters.
As well as estimating the magnitude of spending needs, the models created consider spending requirements for rehabilitation of existing infrastructure assets and maintenance of networks. In addition to providing summary financial estimates, a number of the models provide spatial output in the form of maps that show locations of specific infrastructure requirements.
To estimate spending needs, AICD developed detailed models of infrastructure development in five sectors: ICT, irrigation, power, transport, and water and sanitation. The models are based on a simple but robust country-based microeconomic methodology, that aims to capture both market-driven investments to keep pace with the demands of a growing economy and politically determined investment targets to meet additional social needs. The models are flexible enough to simulate the effect of changes in underlying parameters such as economic growth, social targets, unit costs, and others. Web-based versions of the models are given below, more will be added as they are completed.