From this page you can access all of the financial and performance data that is available under the AIKP. Two different data interfaces are provided that are designed to meet the needs of different practitioner groups. The underlying data source is the same in both cases, and will be update periodically as new data is collected.
- Quick data report. The quick data report is designed for users who want instant data analysis. The user picks the country, sector and theme of interest and ready-made data tables and figures are displayed showing the data and comparing it with relevant country and peer group benchmarks. Data is organized within the report to allow immediate analytical inferences. The tables and figures can be directly pasted into reports and presentations.
- Data download. The data download interface is designed for users who are doing their own research and need to access raw data in Excel format, that they can easily incorporate into their own analytical work. The interface allows the user to readily extract blocks of data for different sectors, operators, time periods, and thematic areas.