Mozambique needs to spend US$1.7 billion a year for a decade to catch-up with the rest of the developing world
Mozambique is already spending US$0.7 billion a year with important financing from donors and the private sector
There is an ‘efficiency gap’ worth US$0.4 billion a year
After taking care of inefficiencies, a funding gap of US$0.8 billion a year remains
For Mozambique, a only way to close the circle is by rethinking the targets
By using lower cost technologies, Mozambique has pragmatically extended WSS services
Mozambique a significant power exporter for the region yet with very low domestic electrification rates
Road network challenged by traffic levels and capacity to collect fuel levy
GSM coverage already high and can benefit of further private participation
Given the size of the gap sizing the efficiency gap, increasing spending and rethinking target might all be needed to close the funding gap
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